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Napa Fishing and Outdoor Report - October 27th, 2022

  • Shooting Sports Website Pre-Launch

  • Lake Pyramid Trip Report + Video

  • Deals of the Week

  • Gun Shop News

Let's get started!

New Shooting Sports Website Pre-Launch

Dear Customers,

We have big news to share with you.

Sweeney's is pre-launching our Shooting Sports website with a wide selection and competitive prices on:

  • Ammunition

  • Gear & Accessories

  • Cleaning Equipment

  • Gun Storage

  • Holsters/Magazines

  • Optics

  • Parts

  • Reloading Supplies

and a growing selection of store-based inventory firearms.

Because we are still testing the website functionality, we are pre-launching the website ONLY to our customers through this newsletter. Please take a minute to visit the website and let us know what you think by replying to this email. To celebrate the pre-launch, all website purchases over $75 will get a bonus of 400 Loyalty Points, which equals to a $10 discount on your future in-store purchases. Please note, we are still working to bring the website inventory to fully comply with CA rules and regulations. All orders will be manually reviewed for CA compliance. Ammo orders will only be available for in-store pick up. You will enjoy no pickup/receiving fees on ammo purchased on Thank you for supporting us. We appreciate your business.

Visit New Website

Fishing Report

Austin Abernathy - Fishing Guide

We fished Lake Pyramid on Tuesday, this our story.

Have you been to the moon? Hypothetical question, of course. However, I feel like we came close this Tuesday. Pyramid Lake looked like the moon’s surface in its early terraforming stages. Incredible rock formations and cinder cones tower over a large blueish-green lake. It’s a very odd place that has a feel of age and sort of interstellar grandeur. There is not a tree in sight anywhere for miles. At least I couldn’t spot one with my binos. It is unlike any other body of water I’ve ever fished and yet you can drive for 45 minutes and drop a $100 on red in the Golden Nugget, Reno.

Apparently, according to Wikipedia, Pyramid Lake “is the biggest remnant of ancient Lake Lahontan, the colossal inland sea that once covered most of Nevada”. In a place like this, time slows down. Which is just fine for us fishermen. We thrive in slowing down and taking things in.

Our little group left Napa around 3:30am and we were on the water by 8:30am. The weather was supposed to be perfect, 6mph wind with overcast. But apparently, the “Moon” has a mind of its own and we were met with massive rollers and white caps. It was blowing, but we felt quite secure in Catch Happy HQ, the 20ft North River lunar rover we brought for the purpose.

We saw a number of boats scatter and fish in the general area of the ramp, on the west side We decided to follow suit. Why not? We were marking hundreds of large fish throughout the water column so the strategy seemed solid. After over an hour of jigging and whooshing out flys/streamers, courtesy of Mr. Kipsey’s fly-fishing addiction, we came up empty.

Austin then made a call to run straight across and fish the east wall. All other boats remained on the west side. The ride was quite bumpy and we got a face full of alkaline lake water that left a white residue on everything it touched. It wasn’t totally unpleasant, but it was quite cold and windy. Once we got across we explored the area and found ourselves a small bay hiding behind a towering cinder cone, away from the wind. This is where we spent most of our time.

After hours of hard work, the “Moon” finally relented and Austin hooked onto a large representative of the Lahontan cutthroat trout community. It wasn’t an easy fight as only barbless hooks are allowed on the lake. Total child-like jubilation followed the catch.

At this point, our spirits rose and we redoubled our efforts covering a lot of water on the east side. For that effort, I was rewarded with the honor of catching a decent-sized Tui chub, which is endangered and apparently a favorite menu item for the cutthroats. All fish was released unharmed. Later on, both Cole and Austin hooked into large fish but were outwitted in the end muttering adrenaline-induced curses. I never felt the tug, but the “Moon” was indifferent.

As far as tackle we used light rods, a 12lb floroclear line terminated with 1-2oz Pline laser minnows. We jigged them straight up and down at a 45-degree angle behind the boat and bounced the bottom in about 130 feet of water. Next time, Austin recommends bringing some 3oz jigs to try and get more straight up and down action when fishing the deeper water.

If you decide to make the drive, stop by Sweeny’s and talk to Austin or Alex. We got everything you need to give you a better chance on the water. Lakey Pyramid is one of those places that leave a lasting impression on you. It’s magnificent in it’s own right. However, putting a 20lbs cutthroat trout in your boat makes it absolutely epic.

Go get ‘em.

Napa River

The Napa River has been one of the best fishing stories around. Week after week our local fishery just keeps pumping out Stripers. This last week has been no different. Great action continues for good numbers of stripers, and there is an increase in better size fish. Trolling and casting Swimbaits, LV500's, broken backs, and Rattletraps has been the top producers. The bank anglers using live bait are catching some nice fish. While cut Anchovies, and Sardines produce numbers with a few keepers thrown in. Fish are really moving around, as we get reports of good numbers of stripers caught up in town and all the way down to the mouth of the river. There is sturgeon in the system as well, with most of the reports coming in from the south end of the river and in the bay. We are not getting a lot of Sturgeon reports but enough to mention here. We have Salmon Roe and frozen or cured shrimp in stock.

Learn to Catch Stripers - Kits are 20% OFF

If you want to learn how to catch Stripers or know someone who does, you can't really do better than our Striper fishing kits. We have 3 kit levels and all are on sale at 20% OFF. This will be the best deal of the year to snag a kit for yourself or as a gift for a loved one.

Click on the image below, review the details, pick your kit and choose "Pickup In Store" at the checkout. All Striper kit purchases include a set of free training videos.

Limited quantities.


Chad is hunting this week and we look forward to his report next week.

We would like to give a shout out for our local Ducks Unlimited Chapter. They are holding their annual fundraiser dinner event on November 5th. Their dinner is always great time, and a great cause for waterfowl habitat and much more. Get all your info on the flyer below or call 707-337-4761 for more info. This dinner is usually a sale out, so don't wait get your tickets now, and we hope to see you there.

Deals of the Week

If you're looking for great deals on Sleeping Bags, Tents, and sleeping pads check out our clearance section. We have some items close to 65% off. The sleeping bags are $19.97 to $34.97, super low prices. There is also a few pairs of hunting and hiking boots left over at below cost prices to move.

We have a big Sale going on Simms discontinued waders and wading boots. Huge savings on a great product. Come down and check them out.

If you are part of the Sweeneys Catch Happy Loyalty club this week we have a great deal for you. Come down and mention this report and take 25% of any Beckman Net.

Gun Shop News

Weekly Specials


WAS: $549.99 NOW:$499.99



WAS: $29.99 NOW:$19.99


WAS: $16.99 NOW:$12.99

Zuber 20ga 2-¾” #7.5 Lead

250 Rounds

Was: $139.99 Now:$124.99

Sig Sauer SP2022 9MM

Was: $599.99 Now: $549.99

Sig Sauer P226 MK-25

Was: $1249.99 Now: $1199.99

10% Off All Range Finders

New Arrivals

Christensen Arms Traverse 28 Nosler

Taurus 856 Defender .38 Special


Hevi-Shot Hammer

12ga 3” #2 & #4

Winchester Blind Side 2

12 Ga 3 In 2 Shot

Winchester Xpert 12Ga 3in 2Shot

Crosman ST-1 Full Auto CO2 BB Gun

Red Rider BB Gun

10% Off All Christensen Arms Rifles!!!




Rifle Powder

Triple 7

Muzzleloader Propellant


Muzzleloader Propellant



Rifle Powder



Magnum Handgun Powder

Reloading Bullets

Caliber / Brand/ Type Nontoxic

.308 Barnes 165 gr TTSX BT yes

6.5mm Barnes 120 gr TTSX BT yes

7mm Barnes 150 gr TTSX BT yes

.308 Barnes 150 gr TTSX BT yes

.308 Barnes 168 gr TTSX BT yes

7mm Barnes 140 gr TTSX BT yes

.270 Barnes 130 gr TTSX BT yes

7mm Hornady 150 gr cx yes

.17 cal Hornady 20 gr v-max no

.45 cal Hornady 325 gr FTX no

Nosler Armageddon 17 Rem 20gr HP

Winchester 350 Legend 145gr FMJ

Sellier & Bellot 7.62x39 124gr FMJ

Belom 7.62x39 123gr FMJ

Sellier & Bellot 30 Carbine 110gr FMJ

Hornady 218 Bee 45gr HP

Federal 7-30 Waters 120gr

Winchester 25-06 Rem 115gr

Winchester 284 Win 150gr

Winchester 7mm Mauser 145gr

Aguila 7.62x51 150gr FMJ BT

Winchester 7.62x51 149gr FMJ

Weatherby .270 WBY MAG 130gr

Hornady 6.8mm SPC 120 gr

TulAmmo 7.62x54 R 148gr FMJ

Sellier & Bellot 7.62x54 R 180gr FMJ

Sig Sauer 300 BLK 125 gr FMJ

Federal 300 BLK 150gr

Sellier & Bellot 5.56x45 55gr

Winchester 223 Remington 55gr FMJ

PPU 8mm Mauser 198gr FMJ

Sellier & Bellot 7.62x51 147gr FMJ

Federal 308 Win 150gr

PPU 7.62x51 145gr FMJ

Aguila 308 Win 150gr FMJ

Remington 223 Remington 55gr FMJ

Magtech 5.56x45 55gr FMJ

Hornady 450 Bushmaster 250gr FTX

CCI 22 WMR Shotshell

Winchester 32 S&W Black Powder Blank

CCI 44 SPL/MAG Shotshell

CORBON 38 Super 115gr JHP

CORBON 38 Super 125gr JHP

Winchester 9x23 Winchester 125gr HP

Sellier & Bellot 7.62x25 Tokarev 85gr

Buffalo Bore 38 Super +P 124gr

Speer 9mm +P 124gr HP

Federal 9mm 124gr HP

Barnes 9mm 115gr HP

Hornady Critical Defense Lite 9mm 100gr HP

Barnes 9mm +P 115gr HP

SinterFire 9mm 100gr HP

Sierra 9mm 124gr HP

Hornady 9mm +P 124gr HP

Blazer 9mm 115gr FMJ

Federal Syntech 115gr

Magtech 9mm 115gr FMJ

Sellier & Bellot 40 S&W 180gr FMJ

Magtech 40 S&W 180gr FMJ

Blazer 40 S&W 165gr FMJ

Hornady 40 S&W 180gr HP

Barnes 40 S&W 140gr HP

Hornady Critical Defense 40 S&W 165gr HP

Federal 40 S&W 165gr JHP

Barnes 380 80gr HP

Federal 45 ACP 230gr JHP

Hornady Critical Defense 45 ACP 185gr HP

Sig Sauer 45 ACP 230gr JHP

Sellier & Bellot 45 ACP 230gr FMJ

Winchester 45 ACP 230gr FMJ

FNH USA 5.7x28 40gr

Magtech 32 S&WL 98gr FMJ

Speer 357 Sig 125gr TMJ NOT 357 MAG

Sierra 380 90gr JHP

Ammo Incorporated 380 90gr JHP

Magtech 380 95gr FMJ

Aguila 380 95gr FMJ

Federal 380 95gr FMJ

Sellier & Bellot 380 92gr FMJ

Hornady 480 Ruger 325gr HP

Speer 480 Ruger 275gr HP

CCI 22 WMR 30gr HP

CCI 22 Long 29gr NOT 22 LONG RIFLE

Blazer 22 LR 38gr

Browning 22 LR 40gr

Buffalo Bore 38 Special 125gr JHP

Ammo Incorporated 38 Special 125gr JHP

Winchester 38 Special 130gr FMJ

HSM 38 Special 158gr

Ammo Incorporated 44 Mag 240gr JHP

Hornady 454 Casull 200gr HP

Hornady 17 Mach 2 17gr

Hornady Superformance 223 Rem 55gr CX YES

Hornady Superformance 5.56 NATO 55gr GMX Yes

Winchester 270 WSM 130gr Yes

Hornady Superformance 7mm-08 Rem 139gr CX Yes

Hornady Outfitter 270 Win 130gr CX Yes

Winchester 270 Win 130gr Yes

Hornady Outfitter 308 Win 165gr CX Yes

Winchester 300 WSM 150gr Yes

Sig Sauer 300 BLK 120gr Yes

Weatherby 300 WBY MAG 180gr TTSX Yes

Hornady Outfitter 7mm REM MAG 150gr CX Yes

Barnes Vor-Tx 308 Win 168gr TTSX BT Yes

Hornady Superformance 30-06 Sprg 165gr CX Yes

Hornady Outfitter 30-06 Sprg 180gr CX Yes

Winchester 30-06 Sprg 150gr Yes

Federal 30-06 Sprg 165gr Barnes TSX Yes

Hornady Superformance 6.5 Creed 120gr CX Yes

Remington 12GA 3IN 1⅛OZ 2Shot Yes

Winchester Blind Side 12GA 3IN 1⅜OZ 2Shot Yes

Winchester 6.8 Western 162gr Yes

Winchester 12GA 2¾IN 1OZ Sabot Slug Yes

Aguila 12GA 2¾IN 1⅜OZ 0B

Rio 12GA 2¾IN 1⅛OZ 6Shot Yes

Federal 12GA 2¾IN 1⅛OZ 7½Shot Yes

Hevi-Shot 12GA 3½IN 1¾OZ B Shot Yes

Fiocchi 12GA 8.6mm Buckshot

Winchester 10GA 3½IN 1⅝OZ BBB Shot Yes

Hevi-Shot 12GA 3½IN 1½OZ 3Shot Yes

Hevi-Shot Bismuth 12GA 2¾IN 1¼OZ 4Shot Yes

Winchester 12GA 3IN 1⅛OZ 2Shot Yes

Hevi-Shot 12GA 3IN 1¼OZ 4Shot Yes

Zuber 20GA 2¾IN 15/16OZ 7½Shot


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