This Week at Sweeney's
In this newsletter:
Outdoor industry's latest toys
Pike Minnow spoke to Austin
John Gill's buck
This week at Gun Shop
Let's get started!

Hello, loyal Sweeneys customers
We just spent the last 3 days at the Worldwide Buy group retail show in Reno, and wow did we see a lot of really cool new items coming out on the market for the end of this year and 2023. We have secured orders with such companies as Gamakasu, Owner, G Pucci and Son, Spro, Rapala, and Atlas-Mike, just to name a few. We are excited to stock up on all of your favorite everyday items and bring in some new items as well. We have become a new dealer for a really cool company called Anything Possible. A company that is building many different kid-friendly combos, as well as some really cool pocket combos.

Another new company for us is LitezAll and Kodiak Lights, producers of amazing lighting products with super high light output with great pricing. I was personally very excited about a 15,000 lumens rechargeable flashlight, and 1000 lumens rechargeable head lamp, great new products. Everyone that fishes the Napa River is very familiar with Atlas Mikes Miracle Thread, and over the years they have only offered that in a clear 100ft spool, well now they have it in 4 colors and a 200ft spool. We have all the colors ordered and both sizes for all your bait fishing needs.
Another company that we are very excited to be representing in Grunt Style Clothing company. I have seen many of our customers wearing this cool new brand, supporting America's Patriotic content.

Over the last couple of years, we have had great success selling Spy Point cameras, and many of you have been using them with great results. We have ordered more of the popular solar model, and a brand-new model called the Flex.

A great cellular camera now with video w/sound. Both models are now available in a camera that is good for all cellular service, it simply picks up the strongest signal wherever you set it up. For all our shooting sports customers we placed an order with a new hearing protection company called ISOtunes Sport. They produce many models of high-quality earmuffs and ear pod style hearing protection devices at great prices. These are just a few new products and companies that will be coming to our shop throughout the year and next year.

I came away from the show feeling very confident that the outdoor industry is coming on strong with new products as well as stocking up on many of the everyday items. As many of you know the supply chain of all retail goods has been very challenged to say the least. My conversations with many of the sales reps were very positive, with news of well stocked warehouse's. The shooting sports industry has been hit the hardest with low inventory levels on firearms, and all of our ammo needs. We continue to see more shipments of ammo trickling in, and for the most part firearms are becoming more readily available. However, I still feel the ammo companies are going to be faced with many continued struggles on getting all the components needed to build loads up. So, we will continue to see ammo coming in, but it will just be on limited supply. We are very hopeful to have more shotshells for the upcoming duck season. Keep checking in weekly for your ammo needs.
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Sweeney's Bragging Wall

Congratulations to John Gill
This week at Gun Shop




This week at Gun Shop

MAGTECH 5.56x45mm 50 ROUNDS
New Ammo In-Stock

Federal 12ga 2.75” #7.5

Migra 12ga 3” Blended #2/BB

Nosler 7mm Rem Mag 150gr
Lead Free
New Firearms


Kimber Stainless II .45 ACP

Kimber Custom II .45 ACP

Sig Sauer P220 .45ACP CZ P-01 9mm

HK P2000 9mm

10% Off All Christensen Arms Rifles!!!
Benelli M4 and Super Nova

US869 Rifle Powder
Triple 7 Muzzleloader Propellant
Pyrodex Muzzleloader Propellant
TAC Rifle Powder
5744 Magnum Handgun Powder
Reloading Bullets
Caliber / Brand/ Type Nontoxic
.308 Barnes 165 gr TTSX BT yes
6.5mm Barnes 120 gr TTSX BT yes
7mm Barnes 150 gr TTSX BT yes
.308 Barnes 150 gr TTSX BT yes
.308 Barnes 168 gr TTSX BT yes
7mm Barnes 140 gr TTSX BT yes
.270 Barnes 130 gr TTSX BT yes
7mm Hornady 150 gr cx yes
.17 cal Hornady 20 gr v-max no
.45 cal Hornady 325 gr FTX no
Nosler Armageddon 17 Rem 20gr HP
Winchester 350 Legend 145gr FMJ
Sellier & Bellot 7.62x39 124gr FMJ
Belom 7.62x39 123gr FMJ
Sellier & Bellot 30 Carbine 110gr FMJ
Hornady 218 Bee 45gr HP
Federal 7-30 Waters 120gr
Winchester 25-06 Rem 115gr
Winchester 284 Win 150gr
Winchester 7mm Mauser 145gr
Aguila 7.62x51 150gr FMJ BT
Winchester 7.62x51 149gr FMJ
Weatherby .270 WBY MAG 130gr
Hornady 6.8mm SPC 120 gr
TulAmmo 7.62x54 R 148gr FMJ
Sellier & Bellot 7.62x54 R 180gr FMJ
Sig Sauer 300 BLK 125 gr FMJ
Federal 300 BLK 150gr
Sellier & Bellot 5.56x45 55gr
Winchester 223 Remington 55gr FMJ
PPU 8mm Mauser 198gr FMJ
Sellier & Bellot 7.62x51 147gr FMJ
Federal 308 Win 150gr
PPU 7.62x51 145gr FMJ
Aguila 308 Win 150gr FMJ
Remington 223 Remington 55gr FMJ
Magtech 5.56x45 55gr FMJ
Hornady 450 Bushmaster 250gr FTX
CCI 22 WMR Shotshell
Winchester 32 S&W Black Powder Blank
CCI 44 SPL/MAG Shotshell
CORBON 38 Super 115gr JHP
CORBON 38 Super 125gr JHP
Winchester 9x23 Winchester 125gr HP
Sellier & Bellot 7.62x25 Tokarev 85gr
Buffalo Bore 38 Super +P 124gr
Speer 9mm +P 124gr HP
Federal 9mm 124gr HP
Barnes 9mm 115gr HP
Hornady Critical Defense Lite 9mm 100gr HP
Barnes 9mm +P 115gr HP
SinterFire 9mm 100gr HP
Sierra 9mm 124gr HP
Hornady 9mm +P 124gr HP
Blazer 9mm 115gr FMJ
Federal Syntech 115gr
Magtech 9mm 115gr FMJ
Sellier & Bellot 40 S&W 180gr FMJ
Magtech 40 S&W 180gr FMJ
Blazer 40 S&W 165gr FMJ
Hornady 40 S&W 180gr HP
Barnes 40 S&W 140gr HP
Hornady Critical Defense 40 S&W 165gr HP
Federal 40 S&W 165gr JHP
Barnes 380 80gr HP
Federal 45 ACP 230gr JHP
Hornady Critical Defense 45 ACP 185gr HP
Sig Sauer 45 ACP 230gr JHP
Sellier & Bellot 45 ACP 230gr FMJ
Winchester 45 ACP 230gr FMJ
FNH USA 5.7x28 40gr
Magtech 32 S&WL 98gr FMJ
Speer 357 Sig 125gr TMJ NOT 357 MAG
Sierra 380 90gr JHP
Ammo Incorporated 380 90gr JHP
Magtech 380 95gr FMJ
Aguila 380 95gr FMJ
Federal 380 95gr FMJ
Sellier & Bellot 380 92gr FMJ
Hornady 480 Ruger 325gr HP
Speer 480 Ruger 275gr HP
CCI 22 WMR 30gr HP
CCI 22 Long 29gr NOT 22 LONG RIFLE
Blazer 22 LR 38gr
Browning 22 LR 40gr
Buffalo Bore 38 Special 125gr JHP
Ammo Incorporated 38 Special 125gr JHP
Winchester 38 Special 130gr FMJ
HSM 38 Special 158gr
Ammo Incorporated 44 Mag 240gr JHP
Hornady 454 Casull 200gr HP
Hornady 17 Mach 2 17gr
Hornady Superformance 223 Rem 55gr CX YES
Hornady Superformance 5.56 NATO 55gr GMX Yes
Winchester 270 WSM 130gr Yes
Hornady Superformance 7mm-08 Rem 139gr CX Yes
Hornady Outfitter 270 Win 130gr CX Yes
Winchester 270 Win 130gr Yes
Hornady Outfitter 308 Win 165gr CX Yes
Winchester 300 WSM 150gr Yes
Sig Sauer 300 BLK 120gr Yes
Weatherby 300 WBY MAG 180gr TTSX Yes
Hornady Outfitter 7mm REM MAG 150gr CX Yes
Barnes Vor-Tx 308 Win 168gr TTSX BT Yes
Hornady Superformance 30-06 Sprg 165gr CX Yes
Hornady Outfitter 30-06 Sprg 180gr CX Yes
Winchester 30-06 Sprg 150gr Yes
Federal 30-06 Sprg 165gr Barnes TSX Yes
Hornady Superformance 6.5 Creed 120gr CX Yes
Remington 12GA 3IN 1⅛OZ 2Shot Yes
Winchester Blind Side 12GA 3IN 1⅜OZ 2Shot Yes
Winchester 6.8 Western 162gr Yes
Winchester 12GA 2¾IN 1OZ Sabot Slug Yes
Aguila 12GA 2¾IN 1⅜OZ 0B
Rio 12GA 2¾IN 1⅛OZ 6Shot Yes
Federal 12GA 2¾IN 1⅛OZ 7½Shot Yes
Hevi-Shot 12GA 3½IN 1¾OZ B Shot Yes
Fiocchi 12GA 8.6mm Buckshot
Winchester 10GA 3½IN 1⅝OZ BBB Shot Yes
Hevi-Shot 12GA 3½IN 1½OZ 3Shot Yes
Hevi-Shot Bismuth 12GA 2¾IN 1¼OZ 4Shot Yes
Winchester 12GA 3IN 1⅛OZ 2Shot Yes
Hevi-Shot 12GA 3IN 1¼OZ 4Shot Yes
Zuber 20GA 2¾IN 15/16OZ 7½Shot